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Letter "E" » Education
«An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.»
«All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things.»
Author: Bobby Knight (Coach) | About: Education | Keywords: grade
«And how are you going to make education easy? You might as well try to build an athlete by keeping him in a hammock with cream puffs and beer.»
«A man is well educated when he knows where to find what he doesn?t know.»
«All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.»
«Anarchists know that a long period of education must precede any great fundamental change in society, hence they do not believe in vote begging, nor political campaigns, but rather in the development of self-thinking individuals.»
Author: Lucy Parsons | About: Anarchy, Education, Voting
«Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either.»
«An educated person is one who has learned that information almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious - just dead wrong.»
«A good upbringing consists in hiding how much you think of yourself, and how little you think of others.»
«After a feller gits famous it don't take long fer some one t' bob up that used t' set by him at school»
Author: Kin Hubbard (Humorist, Writer) | About: Education, Schools | Keywords: bob up, feller, Fer, Gits

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