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Letter "W" » William Cowper Quotes
«A cheap but wholesome salad from the brook.»
Author: William Cowper (Poet) | Keywords: brook, wholesome
«Says John, It is my wedding-day, / And all the world would stare, / If wife should dine at Edmonton, / And I should dine at Ware.»
Author: William Cowper (Poet) | Keywords: dine, Edmonton, wedding day
«Philologists who chase / A panting syllable through time and space, / Start it at home, and hunt it in the dark, / To Gaul, to Greece, and into Noah's ark.»
«Mountains interposed / Make enemies of nations, who had else, / Like kindred drops, been mingled into one.»
«I would not enter on my list of friends / (Though graced with polished manners and fine sense, / Yet wanting sensibility) the man / Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.»
«Charge / His mind with meanings that he never had.»
Author: William Cowper (Poet) | Keywords: meanings
«A land-breeze shook the shrouds, / And she was overset; / Down went the Royal George, / With all her crew complete.»
«John Gilpin was a citizen / Of credit and renown, / A train-band captain eke was he / Of famous London town.»
Author: William Cowper (Poet) | Keywords: Citizen of, Eke, Gilpin, renown
«Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungs / Receive our air, that moment they are free; / They touch our country, and their shackles fall.»
Author: William Cowper (Poet) | Keywords: breathe in, shackle
«My hat and wig will soon be here, / They are upon the road.»
Author: William Cowper (Poet) | Keywords: wigs

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