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Letter "K" » Koichiro Matsuura Quotes
«When a language dies it is a vision of the world that disappears.»
«Good governance is essential for managing our increasingly stretched supplies of freshwater and indispensable for tackling poverty.»
«Managing water is as much cultural as technical, reflecting how peoples and communities relate themselves to nature.»
«From prehistoric times until today, humanity's dealings with water have greatly influenced the sustainability of societies.»
«We did everything possible to prevent this happening but we have failed miserably.»
«Fourteen member states have already started putting things in place, ... They have shown their readiness.»
«For scientific achievements to serve the most possible people, scientists should work in a responsible way, with respect for cultural diversity, personal freedom and human dignity,»
«Despite the tense security situation in Iraq, it is paramount that all those willing to help establish democracy in Iraq be mindful of the right of the media to exercise their profession freely,»
«It is abominable to witness the cold and calculated destruction of cultural properties which were the heritage of the Afghan people, and, indeed, of the whole of humanity.»
«We welcome this project for its scope and potential.»

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