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Letter "W" » Wayne Ayers Quotes
«I'm not sure Taylor has the political savvy for the job. Greenspan had been in Washington a long time and had a solid reputation. It was no surprise when Volcker was replaced by Greenspan because he was the obvious choice waiting in the wings.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«He's instantly recognizable in financial circles and has international stature.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«We're nowhere close to the Japanese example. When you have real deflation as they have in Japan, consumers expect prices to be lower, and they defer purchases, which makes the spiral worse. That's not an apt description of what the American consumer has been doing.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«Productivity growth helps keep inflation at bay and allows real incomes to grow, but it makes businesses even slower to hire than usual.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«I think their desired stance is to stand pat for an extended period of time rather than cut rates, unless they are confronted with an external shock to the global financial system.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«I suspect they will not have a neutral bias; they will indicate risks are on the downside. I think we will, on the production side, see better numbers in the second half of this year, but I don't expect any convincing improvement in the labor market before early next year.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«At labor market turning points, the household survey does better because it picks up self-employed workers and others not reflected in the business survey. But I'm still not convinced the labor market is quite as strong as the household data say it is.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«There's no case for no cut at all at this point. There have been better economic numbers, but [policy makers] expect to see that. If I interpret what they've been saying correctly, this economy could grow 4.5 or 5 percent for a year without putting upward pressure on inflation.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«The second half will show some better growth. Will that be sustained past the second half? For that, two things have to happen: we have to see a pickup in business spending, and the labor market has to stabilize and improve, creating permanent employment. We don't expect to see that until year-end.»
Author: Wayne Ayers
«It's unclear what lower rates would do. If it's really true that productivity and structural changes are causing labor market weakness, it's not clear that another cut in rates would be helpful to the labor market.»
Author: Wayne Ayers

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