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Letter "I" » Ivan Rodriguez Quotes
«I hate walks. I'm aggressive. I've been in baseball 15 years, and I'm going to continue being aggressive. I'm going to walk, but for me to get a walk, that's a hard thing to do because I'm a very aggressive hitter. I hit the ball hard pretty much all the time because I'm aggressive. If I go over there to just take walks, I might not produce the way I can produce.»
«I think what he brings is attitude. I think he's a winner. I've known him for years and I talked to a lot of players who played for him. He loves to win, and he likes to see everything the right way in the field. And that's what we need on the team. If he doesn't like something, he'll come to us or to the player and tell him. It's great for us to have Jim and the coaching staff.»
«If he asks me to do things, I'm going to. He's the skipper, and you have to follow his rules. Whatever he tells me to do, I'll do.»
«That's done. It's a new time now.»
«I'm not going back there. The calendar doesn't say 2005. It's a new year, a new team. It's a new start. I'm looking ahead.»
«He brings attitude. He's been in baseball a long time and has worked with a lot of players. He's been to the World Series and stuff like that. And that's what we need. We need a manager who's going to come in and establish a positive attitude in the clubhouse, and that's what we have now.»
«For me, I'm very happy to represent Puerto Rico and to do a good job for my country. It's always very nice when you represent where you're from.»
«It doesn't matter where I bat in the lineup. If I do my job and we're a healthy team this year, we could win a lot of games.»
«I'm really looking forward to playing in that tournament. Every team is the best they have from their country and we hope to prove Puerto Rico is one of the best teams.»
«He's got some serious talent. He'll make us better.»

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