… in the book Mohammed and Charlemagne, Pirenne advanced the thesis that the Ancient World ended only after the Arab invasions of the seventh and eighth centuries had swept around the perimeter of the Mediterranean and had converted it into a Moslem…
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… those who see theology as little more than Bible commentary and those who feel that rational analysis and argument was needed. The first group argued that God was such a mystery, so intellectually inaccessible, that we could hope to talk about him…
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… piracy, when freebooters swarmed out of the northlands in their longships to burn and pillage their way across civilized Europe. Modern scholarship provides evidence this is a gross simplification, and that during this period much progress was…
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… used since about 1200. They had varied uses, but the most important was to grind and crush grain. Within 450 years, the Netherlands would enjoy a "Golden Age" of world power, crushing the weaker economies with its strength much as the windmills…
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… been offered for the Confederacy's defeat in the Civil War. Of these many hypotheses none have ever been proven to be the single cause. Perhaps there is no one single cause, maybe the Confederacy fell due to an accumulation of reasons. Resourcefulness…
Details: Words: 1909 | Pages: 7.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
… century, the British society was divided into different classes. London, one of the biggest cities in Great Britain at that time, reflects that class system with its different living conditions and privileges. At the top of London society there were…
Details: Words: 1880 | Pages: 7.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
… Their language survives in Welsh and Gaelic. England was added to the Roman Empire in 43 AD. The Romans built camps, forts and roads through the land and also Hadrian's wall as the protection against the invasion of the Celtic tribes. The Romans…
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… Throughout history, many people are remembered for the acts they committed. Maximilien Francois Marie Isadore de Robespierre, had many qualities in his life that made him an important historic figure of France. In general, Robespierre had vital role…
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… in the European history of the previous century, particularly in the political and economic policies that prevailed on the Continent after 1871, the year that marked the emergence of Germany as a great world power. Nationalism was strong in both Germany…
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… years old, and I am stationed at the No.3 Naval Squadron aerodrome in Fernes, France. I enlisted my services just two months ago, and now I find myself in a squadron led by the great British ace Raymond Collishaw! The airfield is large, housing many…
Details: Words: 993 | Pages: 4.0 (approximately 235 words/page)