§<Tab/>Do large companies incorporate an ethical dimension into their decision making process because failure to do so will lead to failure?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Business ethics is a relatively new, but rapidly growing area of the business world in recent times. There may be many reasons why businessmen, who are stereotypically known for their cut throat, dog eat dog attitude, have seemingly gained a social conscience. One such reason being put forward for this upsurge in the addition of ethical dimensions to the decision making process within companies, is the simple fact that without incorporating ethics the business will …

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…means marketing costs of recovering from bad publicity are avoided. As can be seen, although the face value of some benefits may not appear to be simply fiscal. Invariable the do all lead to a financial gain or a limitation of expense. Therefore, it could be said that the only reason companies incorporate an ethical dimension into their decision making process, is because failure to do so will inevitably lead to poor financial performance. Words: 1,709