what work is

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Is work the American Dream? Theodore Dreiser builds a female character who desires independence and self-worth. Carrie Meeber, of the novel Sister Carrie, defines her desires in life as "I want to see something," (Dreiser, ). Yet Dreiser continually pushes against this philosophy and builds a character that beyond her knowledge wants to be something. Ironically Carrie defines her self- worth through being something to be seen. Carrie believes the possession of material objects and the …

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…serve the world, without having it show on your face. If you want to do most, do good, serve the many. Be kind and humanitarian. Then you can't help but be great. Dreiser, 486 Dreiser leads the reader to infer that Carrie believes that she has achieved greatness, and that she has succeeded in her dreams and desires. Ames' comments remind her that the path is not completed, and that true greatness comes out of service.