voice recognition

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The future is here! Computers deciphering speech, cars commandeered by satellite and miracles of miniaturization are a reality. Are you ready to take advantage of this technology? Voice recognition along with these other new advances in technology are going to vastly increase the accessibility and function of personal computers. As viable working speech recognition software reaches the people the way we work with computers will be transformed. This hands-free technology will allow our words per …

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…Technology advancements have brought us an ease of use, which with continuing development promises to draw more people closer yet to their PC's. Fifteen years ago computers were a hobby at best for the public at large. The early Tandy's and Commadore 64's had little practical application and "multi-tasking" was a gleam in the BASIC programmer's eye. With the rapid pace of advancements, one can only imagine what the next fifteen years hold in store.