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Essay Database > History
The Vietnam War Thesis: America's involvement in the Vietnamese Conflict, was to stop the spreading of communism in Southeast Asia. The United States played a major role in the Vietnam War. Its influence was greatest in the South, led by the Capitalist party of Ngo Dinh Diem. The French had been defeated by the Vietminh, trying to defend South Vietnam and failed to end the Vietnamese conflict. The United States was forced into the war …

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…Soon after United States forces left Vietnam, it was taken over. It seems as if the goal of the United States to establish a non-communist nation in South Vietnam was far-fetched. It was not the strategies of the United States that lost them the war. It was the task that the United States brought upon itself. The United States tried to fix a problem, that in time would show, there was ! no solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**