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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Tornadoes, a horrifying, destructive natural disaster ripping apart the nation one twister at a time................. The world's most violent cyclones; unpredictable columns of wind rotating at speeds exceeding 300miles per hour forming from specific atmospheric conditions. These conditions are a southerly flow of warm, moist air and a high-level westerly flow of cool, dry air. This combination produces an unstable atmosphere capable of strong updrafts and heavy precipitation. Tornadoes can develop on any type of …

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…Efforts with the FEMA (federal emergency management agency) and the SEMA (state emergency management agency) has made this plan underway as of 1999 to constructing the city to be more disaster resistant. It is hopeful to save lives, reduce property damage and shorten the recovery period for the business and government. Tornadoes are not yet tamed of course--how could they be? But clever research and new technologies have a promising future in reducing the over-all damage.