school to work

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The School-to-Work Opportunities Act was signed into law in 1994 and is administered under the auspices of the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor. The Act provides funds to States and local communities to develop School-to-Work systems. School-to-Work is a method of attaining high academic standards through applied, contextual, and focused learning. School-to-Career supports reforms in the educational system that include the union of school-based and work-based learning, teaching strategies, and the opportunity for students …

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…school-to Work student greater power to make his or her own decisions in which they are more responsible for what they receive as far as learning and more responsibility if they do not get what they wanted to out of the program. There are three elements to School-to-Work based learning; school-based learning, work-based learning and connecting activities. School-based learning is done in the classroom and provides a foundation to students leading up to work-based learning.