rap music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Recently we have been hearing a lot about the need for censorship of television and recording industries. Whether it is the cartoon Beavis and Butthead, the controversial television drama NYPD Blue or rap recording artists, someone always seems to arguing about their negative effects on society and the need for government regulation. Being a fan of rap, I am particularly interested in issues effecting regulation of the recording industry and rap artists. Popular "gangsta rappers" …

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…on both sides of the issue. In my opinion, the worst solution would be to allow the government to legislate what can be written, what TV shows can be aired and what music can be produced. I believe the consumers and producers should be charged with the ultimate responsibility of censorship. Consumers are free to boycott literature, records and programs that they deem unacceptable and producers will be quick to respond when profits are diminished.