ragged dick

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Horatio Alger is remembered as the 19th century novelist who wrote and popularized the American rags to riches story. His first book Ragged Dick tells of a misfortunate boy named Dick Hunter who, through a combination of good ethics, hard work, luck, and help from supporter who believes in him becomes a prosperous and a wealthy young man. The book Ragged Dick, written in 1867, is about the success story of Dick Hunter. Dick is a …

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…his choice is his own. The book Ragged Dick helps provide us with a glimpse into life in the 19th century. In this book, Horatio Alger provided ideas that support the importance of education, saving, truthfulness, cleanliness, honesty, and virtue. All these fundamentals proved that any common man could turn into the self made man. His positive messages is still carried in American culture today because some people still find it true, inspiring, and reasonable.