pink floyd

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Pink Floyd Pink Floyd has revolutionized the way that the world looks at music. By creating their own powerful sound, along with tantalizing lyrics, the band has painted imagery in the mind of their public through four decades. The message of the Floyd has been varied, but the soul-filled meaning behind it has always remained intact. The band formed in 1965 when a group of friends (Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason) decided to cover …

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…in a now unified Germany. Performers for this gala event included Bryan Adams, Thomas Dolby, Cyndi Lauper, and a very special appearance by the infamous Vera Lynn. In 1994, The Floyd released "The Division Bell", which went to No. 1 on the American charts. And through this deep and winding history there are still many things that are unknown. The wounds in the band run deep, and only time will tell of what is yet to come.