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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Aliens are all around us. Disguised as humans, they roam the earth simply trying to blend in. On those occasions when one is discovered, a top secret government agency is dispatched to take care of matters, and cover up the affair. They are the Men in Black, the subject of this humorous sci-fi comedy. Will Smith stars as a street smart NY cop, who manages to track down a renegade alien, and attract the attention …

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…situations that it would make Joe Friday look like a slacker. Unfortunately, Jones is also saddled with the film's weakest subplot, which is even less convincing than the undercover aliens, and disappointing compared with the inventiveness of the rest of the film. There are no real slam-bang moments in Men in Black, but the humor is mostly solid throughout. The film never takes itself that seriously, but manages to deliver consistent, but never huge, laughs.