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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
A Mammoth Client: Home Schooling It has just turned 8 o'clock in the morning. David's mother is waking him up to start another beautiful day. She prepares him a fresh meal to eat as a breakfast, and then the school begins. Nevertheless, the only difference is that there are no books to put in a bag, no buses waiting outside the house, no bells, and no other 40 or 50 children sitting with him in one crowded room …

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…contrary, many home schoolers exhibit great satisfaction with their social skills. C. Home-based children engage in number of different social skills. *Academic achievements home schooled children accomplish. A. Some studies reveal optimistic results showing that home schooled children are better than their peers who attend regular schools. B. In SAT results, American home schooled students got grades higher than those attending regular schools. C. In another study, home-schooled children manifest great academic standards in Canada.