essay on drug laws from the conservative side.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
One problem with drugs is urban crime and the abuse of drugs. If there is stricter law enforcement then maybe it will solve the problem of drug abuse. If the supply is stopped then the demand will deplete. This creates violent Crimes. If the supply stops problem will no longer be the abuse of drugs or the need for drugs it would cause violence in communities, cities, and eventually the whole country. Drug Abuse is …

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…fix. If the supply were to be eliminated there would be massive chaos through out the world. Drug related violence usually results in fatal injuries or death. One violent crime is systematic violence of drug dealing organizations. Another one is the economic standpoint- compulsive violence that results from securing money to purchase drugs. The third drug related violence is psychopharmacological violence caused by excitability, irritability, aggression, and paranoia associated with the psychological action of drugs.