dead poets societs

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Many poets and directors believe in the concept of living life to the fullest. In this quote, by Sir Henry David Thoreau, he shows that we should live life to its fullest and make sure we make our mark while you still can, so people remember you. In the Movie," Dead Poets Society," a group of students from the Welton Prep School are moved by the teachings of their English teacher, Professor Keating. He teaches …

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…s control. Which happens to relate closely with Thoreau's quote. He taught that people should live their lives the way they want to live them, and not to have anyone else make decisions for them. In the world we live in today, people take a lot more control of their own life for the most part. There are still rules and regulations, but almost everyone lives the way the want to, regardless of the penalties.