creative writing assignment... about 4 men in antarctica (this is a SHORT STORY)

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In June of 1988, Jim Johnson, a wealthy businessman and adventure seeker, decided to embark on a quest for the bottom of the world. He informed the Guinness Book of World Records that he was planning to set a record by navigating his way from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole within two months. On his journey, he was accompanied by three of his close friends: Tom Brewer, Jerry Seinfeld, and Sammy Stone. In addition, …

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…from other Antarctic explorers who made the same journey to the bottom of the earth. In the end, the adventure seekers found what they were looking for. After a week and a half of blood, pain, and sweat in the blistering cold, they had finally conquered the elements. They went up against the best Earth had to offer and won. They raised their arms in triumph as they stood at the bottom of the world.