compilation of Civil rights subjects

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Essay Database > History
Media's role in the civil rights movement When we think of those who have played key roles in the Civil Rights movement, we quite often think of Rosa Parks, or the Martin Luther King. But we seem to forget who else had a huge role in the determining what was going to happen to our countries African-American population. And who is the forgotten soul? Why the media of course. Reporters and Newscasters played an enormous …

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…achievements were significant, but short lived. However, during the post war 1960's, with all the new technology being introduced, Americans also looked to modernize their opinions and perspectives. The goals achieved in black rights in the 1960's could not have been reached without the foundation established the late 1800's and early 1900's provided. An opposing view suggests that the Civil Rights Revolution of the 60's led to reverse discrimination that some whites complain about today.