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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Cloning: Recently, we have all seen the controversy over whether or not we should attempt to clone. If you haven't heard: A group of scientists in Scotland announced the birth of a sheep cloned from embryonic cells, presaging Dolly. Dolly's was the birth heard round the world. The first mammal ever cloned from a single adult cell, she was living proof that scientists had solved one of the most challenging problems of cell biology. Her …

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…are we going to play God? Mammal cloning is probably the biggest step in microbiology ever. The benefits of cloning for good, outweigh cloning for evil. Is cloning to benefit people, evil? What lies ahead in the future of cloning and microbiology? Hopefully more solutions. Until then, we will have a divide of people questioning the morality of this, and people questioning the validity of Creationism. What is next after cloning? Who knows? Only God?