c and c Huck Finn, Ethan Frome, and Great Gatsby

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, and Ethan Frome were books written by three different authors and may have seemed completely different. The main characters of these books, Huck Finn, Ethan Frome, and Jay Gatsby, appeared to be three distinct persons, but in one aspect or another came together as one. Love and communication served to bring these three characters together and, along with social order, also set them apart. Huck, Ethan, and Jay showed their …

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…three characters all shared common bonds, but were different at times. Love and communication were what brought these three characters together, and along with social order, were what set them apart. Huck, Ethan, and Jay were like most characters in that they were in a constant search for happiness. Searching for happiness was what brought these three characters together, but whether that can be achieved by money, love, or adventure was what set them apart.