animal testing

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Each year, scientists use 17-22 million animals for experimentation. Among these, are puppies, kittens, pigs, rabbits, horses and monkeys. These animals lie in steel and concrete pens. Few of these animals have access to food or water. The animals are so thin you can see their bones, and many of those bones are broken. They are covered in careless surgical cuts. Everyday, all over the world, thousand of animals suffer and die. Scientists justify these …

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…huge difference. Buying Windex can make a difference, too. For starters, you can boycott products tested on animals. One big company, Proctor and Gamble, sells everything from diapers, to potato chips. There are plenty of alternatives to these products. By educating yourselves, you can teach others who will teach others, who will teach others. You can help these animals by joining an organization, or by simply re-writing your parents shopping lists. Every little bit helps.