an extensive biography on Adolf Hitler's life as a child, how he worked his way up and his involvement in World War 2

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler has been described as the most evil man to ever walk the earth. Probably the most famous German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators, Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. Hitler dreamed of making his home country Germany the most respected and powerful country in the world. He also hoped to conquer the entire world, and …

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…marched into Berlin. On April 30th Hitler married Eva Braun and immediately ordered her to take poison. It is believed he then shot himself and had ordered his body to be burned. The terrible military machine 'The Third Reich' which had been fashioned and built up by one man from almost nothing had finally ended. …………Nevertheless, not without leaving it's mark in history and on the lives of those who witnessed and survived the unthinkable.