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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Abortion is a very controversial social issue that has existed for many decades. The controversy behind this issue is caused by the different views that people and societies have regarding abortion. The social science disciplines of political science and religion will be used in getting a better understanding of the opposing views of abortion. In discussing the religious aspects of abortion, this paper will focus on the Jewish and Catholic views of abortion and how …

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…with the influence of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice groups. The pro-life movement will continue to have the federal Parliament decriminalize abortion, and at the provincial level, will continue to influence to have abortions de-insured under provincial health plans (Butler et al., 1992). The pro-choice movement will however, continue to fight for the equality of Canadian and American women (Butler et al., 1992). The religious aspect of abortion will not be modified since these religious beliefs are fixed.