a statistical comparison between the two types of newspapers, a broad sheet and a tabloid.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
The purpose of this investigation is to make a statistical comparison between the two types of newspapers, a broad sheet and a tabloid. In this investigation the following questions will be answered: Does the language of an article affect or determine what groups of people are most likely to read a certain newspaper? Is there a connection between popularity and circulation? I believe newspapers, which have a low readability, are aimed at people who feel …

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…a broad sheet. As we have deduced the fact from the investigation that tabloids use simpler languages, smaller words etc, therefore, people who find the task of reading sophisticated language a scary task, will take the easier option of reading newspapers with a high readability ease, i.e. tabloids. On the other hand people who are familiar and who can tackle complicated language will go for the broad sheet which has a low readability ease.