a fictional story

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Hi. My name is...Well, I don't really have a name. That is, until May 1. See, my mom abandoned me and my two brothers and sisters when we were only three weeks old. What happened was, when my mom left us on the top of a rock wall in Livingston, we were small and did not know much so we laid there cuddled together. Two nights passed, and we were cold and hungry. Surprisingly, mom …

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…was sitting on a cold seat with all these people touching me. Soon someone wearing a mask injected me with something that made me fall asleep for a long time. When I woke up I felt like jumping, I felt like dancing! I don't know what it was but I felt great! I guess that they did care about me! They named me Stormy. Soon I was growing up. I had lived a great life.