a critical look of the vice presidency

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The People's Choice? When people are asked what the Vice President does, very few can name any specific tasks or duties. This is because the Vice President actually has very few jobs. However, many people actually tend to overlook the most important job of the Vice Presidency, to replace the President if he/she can no longer fulfill his/her duties. Looking back upon many of the recent Vice Presidents, it is highly unlikely that …

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…dropping every year. This indicates a serious lack of interest by the American people. It is time for the government to step up. Most people believe they have no effect on the vote. They don't research the issues; the don't know their candidates; they don't even show up to vote. A simple change that shows that the government wants the people involved, could make America concerned about itself again. It could even spark a revolution.