Zeno of Elea

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Zeno of Elea was born in Elea, Italy, in 490 B.C. He died there in 430 B.C., in an attempt to oust the city's tyrant. He was a noted pupil of Parmenides, from whom he learned most of his doctrines and political ideas. He believed that what exists is one, permanent, and unchanging. Zeno argued against multiplicity and motion. He did so by showing the contradictions that result from assuming that they were real. His …

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…are shrinking infinitely at the same rate, then eventually they will equal a certain number, not infinity as both Zeno's argument and yours suggest. A simpler way to explain this would be to say that if the first half of the semester takes a certain amount of time, and time always passes at the same rate, then the second half of the semester will also take a certain amount of time, which can be measured.