Wuthering heights and the human race

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Essay Database > Literature
Murray Kempton once admitted, ?No great scoundrel is ever uninteresting.? The human race continually focuses on characters who intentionally harm others and create damaging situations for their own benefit. Despite popular morals, characters who display an utter disregard for the natural order of human life are characters who are often deemed iconic and are thoroughly scrutinized. If only the characters of Emily Bronte?s Wuthering Heights were as simple as that. Set on the mysterious …

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…looking at the real world and our everyday lives we can agree with this theory. It is not hard to see that the famous millionaires in this world live in great beautiful places full of luxuries, and those that are poor such as the homeless have to get by day by day with no or very little food and shelter. In conclusion, wealth brings most people happiness and pride but only to a certain extent.