Writing a magazine article on "travel for less"

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Travel for less . You would die to leave your monotonous daily routine behind and board on a plane that could take you to a foreign site where you could enjoy, live, and learn distinct things. Unfortunately, your non-existent fortune doesn't allow you such an outrageous splurge. Well, come to Canada and have it all! Canada has lots to offer the traveler. Whether you like the oceans or the breath taking Rockies, or the flat lands, …

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…travel to Canada and decide to attend any of its EFL Schools you will be provided with enriching and exciting classes, moments, as well as trips, paying nothing more than the fee charged for the course itself. And finally, by choosing to stay with a Canadian family, you will be able to accelerate your learning even more, have both, place and food, for much, much less than any other option one can come up with.