Write an essay of 1000 words stating whether Australia will become a Republic within 20 years & some of the legal issues that relate.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Synopsis The Republican debate has raged since the early 1990's, and has had extensive media coverage. Despite this, agreement has not yet been reached on what form of Republic we should have, let alone any of the more complex legal issues that would follow such as how to splice the changes into our current Constitution, or how to replace it altogether. Any change to the Commonwealth Constitution would require firstly an Act of Parliament and …

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…if indeed it occurs, will be something that will require not years, but generations. References: Books: Turnbull, M., The Reluctant Republic, 1993, Melbourne, Heinemann. Thomson, J, Sarre, R, 2001 Butterworths Course Materials - Introduction to Law, 3rd Edition, Butterworths, Sydney Papers: Maddox, G, Australians Constitutional Dilemma: Monarchic and Republican Traditions in The Australia Polity. Paper delivered to the workshop conference The Dominion Concept: Inter-state and Domestic Politics in the British Empire at the University of Warwick, July 1998