World History Notes On Ancient Sumerian City States,Religion,Law,Math& Writing::Downfall of Sumerians::Ancient Middle Eastern Civilizations(other than Sumer)

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
*Ancient Middle East* (3570 b.c-331 b.c) -Sumerians are the first known civilization in the Middle East. -Sumerians settled in Mesopotamia, which is present-day Iraq -Mesopotamia means "lands between two rivers" (Tigris & Euphrates) -Mesopotamia lies in the East End of "Fertile Crescent"(rich fertile land extending from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. -It was a hot and dry climate between the rivers, but it had fertile land. - The lands of …

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…King Nebuchadnezzar -Chaldeans rebuilt Babylon after defeating the Assyrians -King Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon at his palace for his wife. -Chaldeans created the 4 week month -Chaldeans passed findings of astronomy and astrology to the Greeks *Babylon* -Babylonians were lead by King Hammurabi -First conquerors came from Babylonia -A major achievement of Babylon was the Code of Laws -At one point Mesopotamia was completely ruled by the Babylonians -Babylon fell around 1550 b.c.