Workplace Observation Paper - MGT 331: Organizational Behavior; Describe perceptions of organizational climate, focusing on communication, culture, conflict, technology

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Workplace Observation: Hitachi Automotive Products Hitachi Automotive Products, Los Angeles (HAP-LA), located in Torrance, California, is a major manufacturer of alternators, starters, mass airflow sensors, electronic control units, and other automotive electromechanical parts. HAP-LA's major customers, including Ford, GM, Subaru, Nissan, Honda, and Thermoking, along with a large score of OE and aftermarket clients, bring in over $9 million in monthly revenue for the HAP-LA facility alone. As a small part of a large conglomerate corporation, …

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…my employment at HAP-LA is fairly new, I have been able to observe, through the luxury of my position as the Environmental, Health and Safety Coordinator, many of the operations and processes in all departments. My perceptions are based as a newcomer into a Japanese business with a strong background in military operations and hazardous material businesses. This allows me to provide a different point of view that is refreshing and new to the company.