Work and Love.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
The poem "Hard Work" written by Stephen Dunn reflects on the problem of hard work and personal feelings. The author argues the purpose of hard work and shows the tiny, fragile borders that limit social responsibility and obligation and give the way to individual prerogatives - love, wishes, and desires. The poem "Hard Work" is characterized with a deep introspection of the protagonist. The whole mood of the poem is philosophically calm, though somewhat sad …

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…will, and does not leave space for love, desires, creativity and thus deprives from a chance for happiness. Evidently, individuals can love and become happy only out of the sphere of work. But, as the poem showed it, only hard work supplies with a factor (money, material well-being) which creates favourable conditions for human happiness and can result in fulfilment of human love. This paradox was revealed in the poem "Hard Work" by Stephen Dunn.