Work Sharing in Australia 1990s

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Federal Government has nominated reducing unemployment and helping people balance their work and family responsibilities as policy priorities. The Union Movement wants all workers to be guaranteed a `living wage'. Why doesn't the Government kill these three birds with one stone? Our unemployment problem is due to both a scarcity of jobs and a mismatch between the skills in demand and the skills on offer. Improved training opportunities have been used to address the …

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…often hear the mantra that there are no easy solutions to the problem of unemployment. Perhaps solutions are easy to cook up, just hard to swallow. Unemployment is still over 8% after a record stretch of economic growth. Can we continue to bear the costs of such a high `natural' rate of joblessness? Work-sharing gives everyone a stake in sustainable economic growth. This is the sort of thing for which an explicit mandate should be sought.