Work Safety

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Pages: 16
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Part II: Analysis Of The Issues, & Union/Management Positions I chose to research labour arbitration cases on work safety. Work safety is a complex topic full of a wide range of issues. Arbitrators do not take safety infractions lightly deem them as very serious. Their decision is based on a comprehensive investigation that explores both parties involvement with this issue. Key Issue #1: Are the concerns of safety being communicated by both employee and employer? One …

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…must be very familiar with them and almost be able to cite them to their employer. The reason for this is because if they are discharged on the grounds of safety, they can use these rights in their defence against management. The OHSA act is there to protect the employee from any safety violations and also to protect them from unsafe working environments and equipment. This will reduce the amount of grievances taken to arbitration.