Women and their position within religion before 1700

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Essay Database > History > European History
Two of the institutions most important in Medieval Europe were the church and the family. Women played a large role in the formation of both, and it is no surprise the two were often expected to go hand in hand. Women were expected to fall into a certain religious path - one of piety, virtue, and Christianity, and when that path was strayed from, many women were condemned, persecuted, or used. Religious differences were common …

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…the years passed, but they still were only allowed little religious freedom. If not for inspiration like Catherine of Siena, Joan of Arc, and others, women today may still have only been allowed to follow strictly what their society or family already believed. After withstanding years of persecution and judgement, finally woman are starting to take on stronger roles within the church - not just as idols of worship, but as leaders, trend-setters, and followers.