Wolf Management in Wisconsin

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Wolf Management in Wisconsin Plans for today and the future The gray wolf returned to Wisconsin in the mid-1970s and was listed as a state endangered species in 1975. A state recovery plan, initiated in 1989, set a goal for reclassifying the wolf from state endangered to threaten once the population remained at 80 or more wolves for 3 consecutive years. By 1999, the population had increased to 197 wolves, and had been at 80 or more since 1995. Therefore the Wisconsin …

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…and biased attitude must be outweighed by an attitude based on an understanding of natural processes." -L. David Mech The curiosity about them grows within me; I have a great interest about learning more about these creatures and where they will stand within the next few years. With going to school and working with wonderful professors, I will gain the knowledge and the experience to be able to work within the field of wildlife management.