With regards to the history of the American civilization in a retrospective view from a future native historian - An essay written from the future perspective looking back on America

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Essay Database > Entertainment
It would seem that you wish to learn of an ancient civilization that has long since disappeared and vanished like dust into the wind. This civilization bore the name "The United States of America". But were they really United? Were they really a superpower? Or was this just all in their head? Let us take a walk......... 1492. A man takes a gamble; risking it all a man crossed a vast ocean in search of a …

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…joined leagues with South Korea in an attempt to assassinate the growing superpower that would be the United States. Knowing that they were "growing too big for their britches", something had to be done. Prime Minister Tony Blair had taken the initiative to stop what would be a global superpower a few years down the road. The US demised slowly into a shell of its former state and economically dropped into a 3rd world country.