With reference to Sociological theory, critically discuss some of the changes affecting the class structure of contemporary Britain.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
With Reference to sociological theory, critically discuss some of the changes affecting the class structure of contemporary Britain. The class structure of contemporary Britain has changed significantly since the writings of Karl Marx and Max Weber in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Far more people now work in non-manual jobs than formerly was the case, but whether or not they have become 'middle class' is a fiercely debated question in sociology. Marx believed …

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…gender, and ethnicity. We do not, then, live in a 'classless' society, though we do live in a society whose members no longer spontaneously use the language of class as the obvious, taken-for-granted way of describing social inequalities. Class is not dead, but perhaps the monolithic social imagery of class has, indeed, had its day. References: Giddens, Anthony - Sociology 4th Edition www.Guardian.co.uk www.infotrac.london.galegroup.com www.Essex.ac.uk