Why the set of freedom rights included int the Bill of Rights are the most important rights.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Essay on the Constitution "The basis of a democratic state is liberty." It is because I agree with Aristotle when he states this that the amendments that deal with freedom of the people are the most important amendments. This is the reason that if only three amendments remain, they should all be based on freedoms. The strongest of these amendments on freedom include the first amendment, the fourth amendment, and the thirteenth amendment. The United …

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…ever be taken away. These three amendments guarantee our freedoms to the greatest extent. The first of these is the basic freedoms that are guaranteed in the first amendment. The prevention of searches and seizures is guaranteed in the fourth amendment, and this protects your privacy. The last is the thirteenth amendment. It abolished slavery in all forms. Our country is based on freedoms, and the amendments that grant freedom should never be reckoned with.