Why smoking should be illegal in teenage years.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Illegal to Purchase, Legal to Use? "Cigarette smoking is the single most important cause of preventable illness and premature death in Canada. Reducing tobacco usage among youth is the best hope for long-term reduction in lung cancer." - The Canadian Lung Association Certain laws are made to prohibit certain actions. The fact that persons under the age of 19 in Ontario may not purchase cigarettes indirectly implies they may not smoke cigarettes before the age of 19. …

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…the desired effect by stopping smokers before they start, and keeping previous smokers away from it. A tighter grip on smokers and prospective smokers would make for a province of much fewer smokers. The threat of punishment may be so severe that it would keep people away from the habit. The need for acceptance and recognition would be overpowered by the fact that anything that should not be bought should not be used at all.