Why is Rap so Popular

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In this decade, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon sold 15 million plus copies. The soundtrack to the smash blockbuster movie Titanic came in second by selling 10 million units. The third leading album to reach multi-platinum status was Tupac's All Eyez on Me with 9 million copies sold. In 1998, one year after Tupac Shakur's record setting album sales, artist under the rap recording label of Def Jam were able to produce records sales in the 16 millions. …

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…much as important, it's more based on the rhythm. It is safe to say that rap music is here to stay. As long as there are issues that need to be addressed, politics, social conflicts, economics, or whatever, rap will endure. Rap has been evolving and it still is. From the concept of "Nommo" to It's a Hard Knock Life, Rap has been here from the start, and it will be here until the end.