Why is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars an archetypal hero?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The Same Story? The story of an archetypal hero has been told and written various times throughout history by unique and unrelated cultures. We have all heard the story about "Superman," "Indiana Jones," and other stories of an archetypal hero. What makes these stories alike? Joseph Campbell defines an archetypal hero in his book "The Hero With A Thousand Faces." The archetypal hero starts out having a normal life. Suddenly his/her normal lifestyle is …

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…that Luke Skywalker easily completes his role as an archetypal hero for three reasons. He was a normal kid with a normal life until his parents died. He sets out on a journey to try and save a princess and a whole planet. He succeeds in accomplishing his goal and ends up living happily ever after in marriage with the princess. Star Wars is clearly a tale about an archetypal hero according to Joseph Campbell.