Why capital punishment should be reinstated.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
For many years, capital punishment has the legal impose of death as a penalty for violating the criminal law. Throughout history people have been put to death for various forms of unlawful activity. The Method of execution in Canada has been death by hanging until after its abolition by Parliament in a free vote in 1976. However, supporters of capital punishment were still asking for its return until the Parliament voted again in 1987 not to reinstate …

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…as a peace keeping nation and known worldwide for protecting human rights. Reinstating the death penalty would evidently ruin its reputation and contradict our own Charter of Rights. Reinstating capital punishment would make Canada a nation of hypocrites as the country itself does not follow its own precedents. By permanently eliminating capital punishment, Canada can avoid loosing its reputation as a nation that promotes human rights and keep its hand won reputation for succeeding generations.