Why We Should Clone

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Is there a consensus on the morality of cloning, human or otherwise? This hotly debated question raises many eyebrows when this sensitive subject is brought up. Through the mess of scientific support and religious opposition, as well as moral and ethical dilemmas, one thing remains the same; cloning is not yet safe enough to use on humans. Although, when it is, the benefits that result will greatly outweigh the risks and provide so much potential …

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…Bioethics Committee. Already in the House, an anti-cloning bill passed with a vote of 265-162, and Senate majority leader Tom Daschle has indicated that he opposes cloning as well (Coghlan). The Republican bill looks to ban all cloning and all cloning research, which is unreasonable. There's nothing wrong with the government deciding what can and can not be researched in government-funded laboratories, but laws that reach out to control privately funded labs go too far.