"Why We Must Invade Iraq," by Ron Marr, Critical Analysis Paper

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
In his argument, "Why we must invade Iraq," the writer, Mr. Ron Marr, states his position on the impending war by listing several key reasons as to why the United States of America must invade Iraq. In his attempt to persuade his audience, Marr refers to Saddam Hussein as a "heinous monster" and a "sociopath" who he states is not only a threat to bordering countries, but someone who has also caused harm and deadly …

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…world and even in America that are opposed to the war against Iraq. The actual war is not up for endorsement today, but Marr's case as to why the US must invade Iraq. He made some very interesting statements and startling innuendos in support of his thesis. To this end, and perhaps to the unwary, Marr effectively accomplished his argument. Notably, his writing style was very appealing, persuasive, intriguing and definitely deserves a second look.