Why Russia's provisional government failed when so many wanted a democracy.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
When the Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne in March of 1917, it appeared that Russia was finally heading on the right path. A provisional government, acting as a democracy took over and tried to create a western style society. However, this democratic provisional government, led by Alexander Kerensky lasted for only seven months, at the end of which the Bolshevik communists led by Lenin seized power. With so many Russians longing for a democracy, why …

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…the Provisional Government tried, he would try harder. It is possible to say that any democratic government at that time in Russia would have failed. The social-political situation was not ripe. Nonetheless, the Provisional government did fail by its own hand, and had they done more to fix the problems Russia was facing, who know maybe Russia would not have had to wait 73 more years to taste what democracy is like. We could only dream.